Carpet Cleaning and Tile and Grout Cleaning.

Carpet cleaning and tile and grout cleaning in Washington MI and surrounding areas is our business. We provide a personal and professional care to your home or business.
Our company has been in service and owner operated since 1991.
So why spend time cleaning yourself when you could be using your time doing something else with your life. Let us help give you the peace of mind knowing the cleaning is done right!
Schedule Appointment @ 586-677-2277

Quality That You Deserve!
We’ll clean your home or business!
We are owner an operated business always have been, always will be. We’ve made carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and tile and grout cleaning from residences to commercial sites our life’s work. Give us a call today and see what a difference we can make for you.

Schedule Appointment @ 586-677-2277

What we use to clean…
We use a PTO-Truck Mounted System. This allows us to provide a professional Carpet Cleaning and Tile and Grout Cleaning to your home and business. Our system provides 200 degree temperatures and high extraction from a V8 engine that powers our system. Our van carries a 110 gallons of fresh water tank for clean and convenient setups.

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Reviews: 31